Los Campeones Reales
With the blessing of the six great realms, the "Realms Greatest" are the vigilantes of The Void and the ones in charge of helping the folk where the realms can't. Lead by its founding heroes, "The Great Five", they are also mediators between the reals and their conflicts.
"The Great Five" are Sir Delrhin Guiradhar "The Knight Errant", Colmar"The Autumnal", "The Friar" Obicus, Elee "The Crimson" and Sir Gilles Belleroph "The Skollian Knight". These heros will guide the greatest along with their adventures over "RoV: Tactics.
list of heroes
In RoV: Tactics, all characters respond to 3 archetypes and 3 roles.
There are also 2 types of damage that respond to 2 types of defenses: The physical damage (represented in the game with "physdmg") comes from melee weapons (such as blades, maces, etc) and also firearms (like pistols, rifles, and blasters of sorts) while the elemental damage ("elemdmg") comes from artifacts such as wands and staffs that the elementalists and spiritualists use to channel their elemental energy to harm.
Having said that, the archetypes determine the types of damage and defensive power that the character will have in these two variables and also the equipment that the character will be able to use.
On the other side, the roles are a way to easily explain the function of the character on the team.
STR (strength) : This is the archetype of the warrior that uses its physical power to fight. It hits with physical damage and develops good physical defenses.
Types of Weaponry: Blades, Maces, and Lances.
Types of Armor: Heavy.
INT (Intelligence) : This is the archetype of the elementalists and spiritualists that uses elemental power and develops good elemental defenses.
Types of Weaponry: Scepters and Staffs.
Type of Armor: Light.
AIM (Aim) : This is the archetype of the gunslinger that uses firearms and has balanced defenses
Types of Weaponry: Light and Heavy Blasters.
Type of Armor: Medium.
Healer (cross) : It is the role of a character that has skills to heal the vital energy of its partners.
Damager (blades) : It is the role of the character that has skills specialized in inflicting great harm to enemies. These characters usually have a high damage attribute.
Protector (shield) : It is the role of a character that has skills to protect its partners from enemy harm. These characters usually have good resistance.
The Shield Gunner
A resistant shooter that is strategically defensive.
the marcialist
Leader of the vanguard. Very resistant and offensive.
the jet knight
Grand offensive mobility. Good attack and physical resistance.
the engineer
Lord of machines. Versatile and dangerous strategist.
the black talon
Master of stealth and assassination. Swift and lethal.
the militia
Vanguard leader and protector of the troops. Versatile utilitarian.
the cog priest
Master Technomancer. Powerful healer and supporter.
the sharpshooter
Runner of the woods. Grand mobility and offensive power.
the hammerer
Breaker of the defensive lines Destructive on the vanguard.
the tactician
Master of war. Destructive power and good support.
the herder
Servant of Magogg. Powerfull summons and curses.
The Spiritualist
Keeper of the party. Healer and support.
The battle friar
Battle priest. Offensive healer and support
the mecha
A body created for battle. Good defense, mobility and attack.
the astorian blade
Legendary blade. Skillfull against multiple enemies.
the artillerist
Destructive cannon. Area attack with high tactic value.
the hunter
Her mark is a death sentence. Lethal shots and traps.
the zealot
Offensive provoker and protector. Great elemental defense.
the guardian
Arcane champion. Powerful healer and resistant protector.
the horned chief
Ghost of the tundra.
Powerful warlock.
the star seer
Divine messenger. A prodigious healer with offensive power.
the corsair
Pirate that serves the realms. Great mobility and destructive cannon.
The elementalist
Harmful area spells and afflictions.
The cultist
Fierce fighter. Deathly blows and curses.
the Vagabond
Grand survivalist. Disabling blows and support.
the scoundrel
Fast and dangerous. Great mobility and traps.
the autumnal
Long-range shooter. His golden bolts are the most feared.
the void rifter
Rifter on the service of good. Destructive power and teleportation.
the white star
Guardian of the stellar seals. Provoker, protector and healer.
the abyssal scout
Hunter of The Dark Realm. Deathly shooter with great resistance.
the revolutionaire
The swift blade of the Auctus. Feared attacker and defender.
the agent
Fast and lethal. Subterfuge master with incapacitating blows.