ABOUT r.O.v.
Realms of The Void or R.o.V. , is a universe where fantasy and science fiction collides. It homes uncountable civilizations and the sidereal battlefields where good and evil faces. It is a love letter to role-playing games, fairy tales, and classical mythology.
Created by Santiago R. Villa in 2012 because of an RPG project, RoV, is a mythos that presents a new, fresh series of heroes and villains, myths and legends, kingdoms and mysterious lands.
Created in 2012 for an RPG project by Santiago R. Villa, RoV is a mythos that presents a fresh, new series of heroes and villains, myths and legends, kingdoms and mysterious lands. It is a colorful universe where humanity has everything to reach its maximum potential and the Gods themselves. Submerge into The Void and discover what's beyond the Black Rift, The Dark Realm and The Etheric Plane.
Santiago R. Villa | SRVilla
SRVilla works as an independent Creative and Art Director for videogames and animation; nonetheless, everyday he looks forward to fill the void in his schedule with adventures where his mind travels to this colorful universe.
He likes to thing that someday, the other visitors might fall in love as well with it and create their own stories of voiders and their adventures.

Status: Working on "RoV : Book II".